Friday 20 February 2009

A Movie About My Book About Movies, Plus: Another Kick Ass Cool Competition...

You see? You see? How cool is this?

I am so very impressed with this, produced by the multitalented Jamieson, off his own back and everything. He said " I wanted to do something that would capture three things: the movies, the blood and the waiting." And I think he managed it wonderfully. What do you reckon?

Plus: Another Kick Ass Cool Competition

I've "borrowed" this direct from Jamieson's blog - I hope you forgive me...

My novel Hunted is out in paperback and I just got my author copies!

I’ve been trying to think of something special that I can do, some really neat contest that will get the word out and let everyone know about Hunted. It really is one of my favourite novels that I’ve written and everyone should read it.

I’ve been thinking about this contest for two weeks and I just thought of what I should have done two weeks ago. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner!

A lot of Hunted revolves around the world of Soaps. It’s a paranormal thriller that takes a look at satirical look at Soap Opera’s.

You know, those daily shows where 
Cindy is sleeping with John, butJohn is really in love with KelleyCindy’s sister and Kelley’sdaughter Gabriel is really John’s daughter but she can’t bring herself to tell Hunter, her husband, who is sleeping with Kiki, the French Maid, who is really a spy placed there by Cindy’s and Kelley’s fatherVictor, who runs a large corporation whose main goal is to take over the world but not if Dustin, who is in love with Victor’s daughterLois, has anything to say about it….

Um, yes, lost track there for a moment. I think that’s the longest sentence I’ve ever written. But you see what I mean right? We all love Soap Opera’s, whether we admit to it or not.

So, I thought it would be neat to have my own

Here’s what you have to do: Write a scene from a soap opera!

There are a few (
pesky) rules though:

1- Scenes should be up to three pages of type maximum.
2- Scenes should be in script format

Don’t know what a script should look like? Don’t worry! Download Blackwood, a Hunted Series Script, for free! Click the link below:

It should give you a good idea of how to do things. You don’t even have to put stage directions or notes, but that’s all up to you. Oh, and since everything comes in threes, here’s the third rule:

3- The scene can be about whatever you want!

That’s right, I want you to have fun with this. Make up your own soap opera or write a scene that you’d like to see from Days of Our Lives or General Hospital. As long as you have fun and keep under the three page limit, you can do as ever you please!

How fun does that sound? Super fun? Totally fun? How about Fantabulous Fun!

I know what you’re all thinking: that’s all well and good, but what do we WIN?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

Here’s the scoop: five scenes will be chosen from a small jury (I know people who know people after all) and the authors of those five scenes will win a paperback copy of 

I know! How super cool is that?

Send your scene to by no later than February 28th. Winners will hopefully be announced in early March.

Well... I know how I'm spending my weekend then, I'd advise you to have a go yourself...

So put your writing hats on, get some soap and get writing!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay to Jamieson and yay to you!!