Monday 1 November 2010

NaNoWriMo & Mo-Vember

Busy month planned.

Novel Writing.

'Tasche Growing.

Inspection at work.

Floor Mopping around the Cat bowl.

'Tasche Maintainance.


'Tasche Experimentation.

Novel Writing.


If not then tough.

It's currently very seventies/porn star...

I'm thinking about a Wing Commander Style one though...

With a bit of hard work I'll even get something that curls at the edges...
In the meantime of course it's all about the NaNoWriMo. I've not tried this so if anyone fancies helping out my writing name is NikJ and I'm based in the Durham region. I've got my plan and stuff.
Actually I've got two plans although one may not be enough to see out a whole month. Maybe I'll file it under 'Short Story' for now.
So in that case just the one idea. About an Invisible Man. Sort of. And nipples. Obviously.

1 comment:

Beth said...

hope you're doing ok.

i'm not na-no-ing this year. maybe next...