Holidays are great aren't they? Sun, sand (at beaches at least - not so much in cities I grant you, but I did spot some sand filled fire buckets in our hostel which I sat in for a bit...) sangria. For breakfast.
And Madrid is kick ass cool.
I have made a list, because lists are also cool. Obviously:
1. At 4am, hopelessly lost, on a Saturday night, there are still bars open in which to "ask directions from the barman"...
2. At 4:30am, having just been pick pocketed, the thief, upon noticing that my wallet was, in fact, empty, returned it with an apologetic smile and then gave me directions.
3. When you buy a round of drinks, you get free food. On bread. Oh yes.
4. They serve incredibly efficient and tiny and powerful coffees. With biscuits.
5. You are not, in anyway, frowned upon for drinking with breakfast. As long as it's from small glasses.
It was, in short, mostly geet mint, how.
Yes. Mostly.
The free food has been stood for a while...
... And has gone a bit funny...
So. On Monday. A very hot and sunny and lovely Monday. I was very. Very. Very. Sick.
All day.
I even hallucinated a bit, lay on the bed, drenched in sweat, listening to the sounds from the street... Actually thought myself in a market at one point, everyone in traditional Spanish clothing, small children playing in the square. Bulls running rampant through the streets. Tomatoes hoyed from alleys. Great stuff.
Good job really seeing as the only scenery I got to enjoy that day had tiles...
Ah well.
Still, I did get to see the train station's indoor jungle. Which made it all so worthwhile...
My Brother Is Steling My Pants.
Bit odd this I know. And slightly embarrassing. But was informed upon my return my Brother's Girlfriend that, due to extreme lazyness, he has been nicking my undies.
I find this very, very, weird...