Saturday 26 July 2008

A Bit Like Lent, Only Bigger and with Flashing Lights

I had a phone call from Peru the other day, and it got me thinkin - as Peruvian phonecalls only can.

When the gods wish to punish us, they answer all our prayers - Oscar Wilde

What have you given up for your writing? A chapter? A character? A title? A job? A friend?

When DK's autobiography comes out in January ("From Fzzzt to Bing: How I Overcame Addiction") he'll be giving up Rock Pig mug, and Man's Best Friend mug, to tour.

I gave up a chance to get The Greatest Job Of All Time to focus on 9987.

Surely, I am not the only one.

(Sorry for the misery, on a lovely sunny Saturday, but I'm off to work now and won't finish until twoish Sunday morning... If only I could givthis up...)


Megan said...


watching9987 said...

Fair enough. As long as I know I'm not the only one :)

Megan said...

but what was The Greatest Job of All Time??

watching9987 said...

Llama salesman.

Well, not quite. I had the chance to teach in Peru. I was even growing a big 'tash, I was so excited...

Ah well. Maybe next year...